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Sunderland City Half Marathon

Date : 11 May 2025
Start Time : 10.25
Number of Places : 1,200

The Sunderland City Half Marathon was founded by Steve Cram and is part of the Run Sunderland Festival. There are also 10K and 3K races.

Sunderland City Half Marathon Route
The race follows a one lap course that is flat and fast. It starts and finishes at the Stadium of Light and takes place within the city centre and the coastal road to Roker Park.

Sunderland City Half Marathon Entry
* Unaffiliated Runners : £33 (until 31 May)
* Affiliated Runners : £31 (until 31 May)
* Registration Deadline : When the race is full.

Sunderland City Half Marathon

Contact Information
Contact : Sunderland City Half Marathon Event Team
Address : DS Media & Events, Sunderland, SR5 1SU
Tel. : 0191 520 5518
Email : info@sunderlandcity10k.com
Website : https://sunderlandcity10k.com