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Newport Half Marathon

Date : March 2026
Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC

The Newport Half Marathon is organised by, and rasies money for, St David's Hospice Care.

Newport Half Marathon Route
The race follows loop, starting and finishing in the city centre passing Newport Castle and through Caerleon along the way.

Newport Half Marathon Entry
* Unaffiliated Runners : TBC
* Affiliated Runners : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC

Newport Half Marathon

Contact Information
Contact : Christine Vorres, Race Organiser, St David's Hospice Care
Address : Blackett Avenue, Newport, Gwent, NP20 6NH
Tel. : 01633 851051
Email : newporthalf@stdavidshospicecare.org
Website : https://cityofnewporthalfmarathon.com