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Freckleton Half Marathon

Date : 22 June 2025
Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC

The Freckleton Half Marathon is the UK's oldest half marathon. It was first run in 1965.

Freckleton Half Marathon Route
Runners follow a mainly flat, scenic route through and around the village of Freckleton.

Freckleton Half Marathon Entry
* Unaffiliated Runners : TBC
* Affiliated Runners : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC

Freckleton Half Marathon

Contact Information
Contact : Peter Bosley
Address : 3 Foxglove Drive, Freckleton, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 1TR
Tel. : 07817 105952
Email : freckhm@gmail.com
Website : https://bookitzone.com/freckletonhalf/OQjFFX