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Clacton Half Marathon

Date : 17 August 2025
Start Time : 9.30
Number of Places : 750

The Clacton Half Marathon describes itself as "a true seafront race". It is part of the Clacton Carnival, which also includes the Clacton 10K and Fun Run.

Clacton Half Marathon Route
Starting and finishing on the Clacton seafront, runners follow a mainly flat two lap course.

Clacton Half Marathon Entry
* Unaffiliated Runners : £30
* Affiliated Runners : £28
* Race Day Entry : £35
* Registration Deadline : When the race is full.

Clacton Half Marathon

Contact Information
Contact : Rachael Wood
Tel. : 01797 229955
Email : info@nice-work.org.uk
Website : https://www.nice-work.org.uk